Creatrix Business Mentoring is a one-of-a-kind experience simply because it’s just you & me discovering what you truly want to create and how you’d like to turn your projects into a successful, fulfilling company.
Each of my custom-crafted programs are designed to amplify your creative energy, clarify your focus and simplify your life. As we delve into both the material & spiritual aspects of your life, you naturally draw upon the knowledge & energies necessary to conceive of a company like none other.
A Creatrix Company is different from the old-fashioned industrial-age businesses you may have had in the past because it’s built around YOU, your unique creativity, your vision & your best ways of working. It’s streamlined, easy to run & can be as low (or high) tech as you’d like.
If you’ve been putting off starting your next business because you don’t want to do it how you did it before, this is what you’re looking for…
The beauty of a Creatrix Company is that it adds to your life
instead of taking it over!
Creatrix Company Design is for you when you’re ready to sketch out exactly how you’ll bring your expertise & experience to your new clients in an elegant & effective way.
We work closely together to discover your central vision for your next company. We then weave it with your deep knowledge, well-honed skills & life wisdom into a clear, actionable plan which you can use to build your own Creatrix Company.
Think of your Design as the set of blueprints you’ve been wishing you had every time you sat down to try to draw your Company out of your journals & into reality.
You’ll enjoy bespoke visioning exercises, essential business training & inspired energetic practices as you design a business model which suits you perfectly. We’ll determine the timing & organization of your entire experience during our first call —we can move fast or slow, meet regularly or leave space for you to internalize & vision on your own, communicate via email, text or video.
We’ll do what works best for you.
When we’re done, you’ll have your 100% customized Creatrix Company Design which includes everything you need to begin building your new company easily, creatively & enjoyably.
Included Elements: Get Centred & Energized, Recognize & Follow Your Own Inner Guidance, Clarify Your Core Business Vision, Choose Your Main Thread Message, Identify Your One Perfect Client, Design Your Singular Offer, Prepare for Connected Sales & Create an Easy-to-Follow Plan for Going Forward
Investment — 3,000 to 5,000 Euros
Creatrix Company Construction is for you if you already know what you want to offer the world (or have completed your Creatrix Company Design) and would like me to accompany you as fill in the details, put everything into place & start offering your work to clients. Think of me as your silent partner who stands beside you, bringing over 36 years of entrepreneurial experience to smooth your process & save you time (& money & going in circles).
In the beginning, we’ll review where you are in the company building process & then assess which elements are best to focus on for the most impact & momentum. During our work, you’ll keep your energy high, know where to turn your attention next and tap into my skills & expertise whenever you wish, so that you complete each step brilliantly!
Possible Elements: Build & Test your Offer, Sales + Money Mindset & Strategy, Marketing & Online Presence, Substack Setup, Best Practices for Working with Private Clients, Design Your Workstyle, Gather a Team, Grow Your Offer Suite & other Customized Topics
Investment — 7,000 to 10,000 Euros
Each Creatrix Business Mentoring experience includes Zoom sessions (recorded), email correspondence, custom-tailored exercises & my energetic focus from the moment we begin until the day we finish. Typically, our time together ranges from 3 weeks to 13 weeks.
I work with only 2 “Design” & 2 “Construction” clients per month, so I am deeply involved in your process & can give you my best.
Join me & together we can take you from “I’ve got a great idea” to “I’ve just opened my next Company” & on towards, “My Company is growing by leaps & bounds & it feels great!”.
To see what this could be like for you & your Company, book your complimentary 45-minute Private Tour of the Creatrix Atelier (my Atelier is where all the magic happens) HERE.
To experience my work & feel my energy right now, you can read more of this BLOG, or watch some videos of me working with clients HERE.
All mentoring & payment plans can be customized to suit you, your schedule & your budget perfectly.
I look forward to meeting you & learning all about your brilliant plans.