Accepted rules regarding About Me pages, and writing online in general, are to keep things short & sweet, don’t introduce too many ideas and make sure not to meander.

Well, those are all going out the window. I’m sure I’ll write other more succinct posts in the future but this one is a longish one. Shall we begin?


I am Elizabeth des Roches, the creatrix of The Creatrix Experience.

Here’s a quick glance of where I’ve been, where I am & where I might be headed.

You may see some patterns (of which I was completely oblivious until recently) and you may recognize yourself here & there. Perhaps this list of life events will make you want to know me better or make you want to run for the hills.

That’s the beauty of sharing openly, everyone gets to choose for themselves!

I’ll start at the beginning…

  • Born - hypersensitive & connected (natural shaman, witch & strong intuitive)

  • Brainer at School - alternately loved & hated for my intellect

  • Artistic & Creative to the core - sewed my 1st dress when I was 4, have almost perfect colour recall, can draw anything I see, expert knitter & handy with a needle

  • Entrepreneurism is in my DNA - at 6 opened my 1st business at the end of my grandfather’s driveway selling chocolate bars to people on their way to the beach

  • Followed my Dreams - told everyone I was going to be a corporate lawyer until I screwed up the courage to do what I really wanted & went to fashion school

  • FYDO - (First Year Drop Out) the fierce competition & insincerity in my school were off the charts, instead of learning how to cut a dress, we were learning how to cut throats!

  • Big Business - immediately founded my own clothing company, designed “casual womenswear” (a FAR cry from my dream of showing my avantgarde designs on the catwalks alongside Jean Paul Gaultier, Vivienne Westwood & John Galliano)

  • Business Bust - rushed into fashion industry & missed the warning cues that my business partner wasn’t suited for building a fashion empire (even though our sales were stellar…)- closed the doors with a bang & got on with new things

    To speed this up & get to today, here are my next 30 years boiled down into 7 bullets-

  • Met & married the man with whom I still happily spend days & nights (he came with 3 adorable little kids, so our early years were rather boisterous)

  • Opened an historic gift shop in a small Victorian town outside Toronto - it was a treasure trove of innovative products & cornucopia of fabulous retail experiences for almost 12 years

  • Went on a 7-year evolutionary fertility journey before I ecstatically welcomed my son & then 4 years later my daughter - both were conceived & born naturally

  • Gathered up my belongings, my husband & 2 young children in 2010 then moved from Toronto to France to build a new life in the old world (we’re still here)

  • Dove into spiritual & esoteric teachings, searching for resonant ideas and expanded perception - discovered what I was looking for & then some

  • Founded 3 online businesses in the attic of my house in the French countryside, the last of which, The Creatrix Experience is the one I’m sharing with you right now.

    Yes, of course, there’s more to me & I’ve had my fair share of adventures. When we meet, I’m sure we’ll find lots to talk about & many points of commonality.

    In a nutshell, I devote myself to playing with energy and living as a Creatrix.

    To check out my site, click HERE.

    If you’d like to email me directly, click HERE.

Why subscribe?

Ha! Good question!

Why subscribe to The Creatrix Experience?

Well, when you do, you’ll receive new posts and the occasional newsletter in your inbox. I’ll offer you a delicious combination of practical ways to design a more creative life (there may be energetic exercises, journal prompts, inspiring pictures of projects & places along with a How-To tutorial once in a while…), insights (mine & others’) about how we perceive reality and notes about choosing conscious entrepreneurism as an enjoyable & productive path to personal evolution.

I welcome great conversation and hope you’ll share your thoughts with me & my other readers from time to time.

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* Inspired Ways to Consciously Craft a Vibrant Life * Braid your 3-D skills, entrepreneurial experience & wisdom with your creativity & spiritual awareness to Weave Your World.