Today, I’m sharing something extra special with you, another simple gift to boost your holiday spirit.
Here are a few minutes of inspiring thoughts & some quick exercises you can explore to celebrate both the light AND the dark in new ways.
I’m sure you’ve heard people talking about how (in the northern hemisphere) we’re in the “dark” season & others speak about this time as being the season of “light”. I love them both, so I decided to weave them together in this episode. We live in a world of light & dark, it’s this contrast that we play with as we create our lives. Without it, we’d lead such a dull existence.
We’re here on earth to have a great time—so I say, “bring on the colours, the brightness & the shadows”.
Here’s an invitation to create some personal micro ceremonies to honour both the light & dark moments of your day. To celebrate the beginnings & endings you enjoy every 24 hours but may never have actually noticed.
Listen in & discover more about -
the power of the “ambrosial hours”
the light & dark phases of creativity
the neuroscience of your sleeping brain
In the midst of the holiday hustle & bustle, I hope you can afford yourself the luxury of finding a quiet place to join me for a few minutes. Bring your favourite drink, a snack (mine is usually gingerbread &/or shortbread), maybe a blanket & a candle and of course, your journal & pen.
Perhaps, you’d like to dim the lights before you press play, to get into the mood for this one…
It’s taken me decades to design the Creatrix Experience, a unique way to weave your creative, spiritual & entrepreneurial activities into a vibrant life.
I love to share more of it with you, that’s why I designed the 2024 issue of
The Creatrix Experience Holiday Sourcebook!
If you enjoyed today’s episode & want to know more about The Creatrix Spiral mentoring group, flip to page 9 in the Sourcebook & read all about it.
We devote the first call of each month to exploring an energetically-inspired topic which weaves through both your personal & professional lives - in January we’ll be looking at how to Vision like a Creatrix as we enter 2025. The second monthly call features focused mentoring to discuss where you are in your life, your craft & your work and where you want to go.
— you can enjoy savings of 24% on your Creatrix Spiral membership along with many other Creatrix Experience programs & products until December 24, 2024.
CLICK to turn the pages of the Holiday Sourcebook & immerse yourself in The Creatrix Experience experience!
Today, my family & I are celebrating the Winter Solstice with delicious baking, lots of home care, decorating with fresh greens, trimming the tree, stoking 3 roaring fireplaces & preparing to host our annual Solstice celebration tomorrow with our friends.
Before we go to bed tonight, we’re going out into the backyard to dance beneath the stars, listen to the river rushing past & pause in silence to just enjoy being here.
Next week, I have one last episode for 2024 (which I’m pre-scheduling because I’ll be on holiday until the second week of January).
It’s perfect for the in-between times. Listen in as I dive into the potential which dwells in places of “liminality”. Stay tuned.
While I’m revelling
in the dark & light
of the season,
I hope you enjoy
celebrations of every
kind with those you love.
Elizabeth 🎄
P.P.S. If you know someone who might like to read The Creatrix Experience Holiday Sourcebook, please share it - the more the merrier!
P.S. Enjoy more of The Creatrix Experience Podcast.
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