I could write tomes on liminal spaces, they’ve fascinated me since long before I had a word to describe them.
We’re in the middle of that special week between Christmas & New Year’s when you can’t remember what day it is, you’ve been indulging in the treats you save especially for enjoying in front of your tree (or is that just me? Hello, mince tarts & chai…) & you’re curled up with your brand new books (are you a kindred book-mas lover??).
In the spirit of staying in your PJs, re-watching your favourite holiday movies & allowing your mind to wander where it will, I’m offering you an “easy-listening” episode today.
Join me as we venture into the state of liminality.
I’ve got a few exercises you could play with (or save for later when you feel like getting your journal out) which will give you a new perspective on what it means to be neither here nor there or more accurately, everywhere…
Listen in & discover more about -
liminal places, animals, plants & times
how to access them whenever you wish for increased awareness & energy
working more comfortably with untapped potential in your life, work & craft
I recorded this episode as a gift for you, my dear listener, with the hope that you may weave it into your life at this unusual time of year. Settle in with your favourite drink, a delicious snack, maybe a blanket & a candle and of course, your journal & pen.
Once you’ve finished this one, go ahead & listen to Episode # 9 - A Celebration of Light & Dark, to deepen your experience.
It’s taken me decades to design the Creatrix Experience, a unique way to weave your creative, spiritual & entrepreneurial activities into a vibrant life.
I love to share more of it with you, that’s why I designed the 2024 issue of
The Creatrix Experience Holiday Sourcebook!
If you enjoyed today’s episode & want to know more about The Creatrix Spiral mentoring group, flip to page 9 in the Sourcebook & read all about it.
We devote the first call of each month to exploring an energetically-inspired topic which weaves through both your personal & professional lives - in January we’ll be looking at how to Vision like a Creatrix as we enter 2025. The second monthly call features focused mentoring to discuss where you are in your life, your craft & your work and where you want to go.
— you can enjoy savings of 24% on your Creatrix Spiral membership along with many other Creatrix Experience programs & products until December 31, 2024.
CLICK to turn the pages of the Holiday Sourcebook & immerse yourself in The Creatrix Experience experience!
This is the last episode of The Creatrix Experience Podcast for 2024. Thank you so much for listening.
I’m still “out of office” until January 13th, so, if you leave a comment or have a question, you’ll hear back from me then!
Revel in these moments
of floating between
the end of 2024 &
the beginning of 2025.
What wonders await us!
Elizabeth 🌟
P.P.S. If you know someone who might like to read The Creatrix Experience Holiday Sourcebook, please share it - the more the merrier!
P.S. Enjoy more of The Creatrix Experience Podcast.
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